Adaptive Band Stop Filter using Switched Capacitor for ECG Measurement

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Kornika Moolpho
Siripong Wongkharn
Krissada Kuntawong
Veerachai Mahayavej


This paper presents an adaptive band stop filter using a switched capacitor for eliminating electrocardiogram (ECG) noise which has an adaptive frequency band in the range of 40 - 60 Hz. The simulated interference attenuation rate is of up to -70dB and a quality factor is of up to 9. In this paper, the frequency is used to switch 100 times of the center frequency by using a band filter circuit, a frequency-to-voltage converter and a signal generator circuit controlled from voltage.  This leads to create a clock signal for the switched capacitor circuit. In this paper, the frequency response is simulated in comparison with ECG signals in the time domain. The  experimental results were satisfactory that can be used as a guideline to design a single-chip integrated circuits.


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Research Articles


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