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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Instructions for Authors
1. Types of articles and formats

Manuscripts may be submitted to JSAT in the form of Review Articles or Research Articles and must be clearly and concisely written in English with appropriate pages.
2. Preparation of manuscripts
All manuscripts must be prepared and submitted as single Word file (.docx) (Word 2007 or higher). For English font, please use “Time New Roman” with text size of 12 point. Please prepare your manuscript in double-spaced on A4-sized page. Line number must be used continuous numbering in manuscript. The submitted manuscript should be organized as follow:
2.1) Title
The title of manuscript should be supplied with enough information to catch the attention of readers.
2.2) Author names and affiliations
Please clearly indicate the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author and check that all names are accurately spelled. Indicate the corresponding author by “*”. If authors have different addresses, numbered superscripts are required to refer to each address provided. The format of authors’ affiliations should be: 1. Department, University, City name, State name, Postal code and Country. Corresponding author must inform email.
2.3) ABSTRACT and Keywords
ABSTRACT - A concise abstract with maximum of 200-250 words identifying the new and significant results of the study must be provided for all manuscripts.
Keywords: – At least 3 to 5 keywords must be given below abstract and use “comma (,)” to separate each.
Author should prepare the introduction with suitable length and keep it as short as possible.
This section contains details about materials, techniques, apparatuses, experimental design, and environment. Sufficient detail should be provided to permit the reader to repeat the experiments. For the manuscript reports the utilization of chemical, please provide the purity of all chemicals used in this part.
In this part, the results and discussion can be combined or separated depends on author design. Please use tables, graphs, diagrams, and photographs to provide a clear understanding of the results. Quantitative measures of significance (P-values) should be presented. Authors may use either absolute P-values or a defined significance level as long as usage is consistent.
Discussion contains the interpretation of the results into existing literature. It should be clear and concise, address the related mechanisms and their significance.
Clear and significant conclusions should be provided and related to the results and objectives of your work.
In this section, financial and material support should also be mentioned. Authors should list all funding sources in this acknowledgments section. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. List those individuals who provided support during the research
2.9.1) In text citations, please use name-year system such as:
       a. Before texts: Smith (2018)…., Tsuji and Hayate (2012)…., Smith et al.(2019)….,
Smith (2018); Tsuji (2012)…., Smith et al.(2018a); Smith et al.(2018b)…..
       b. After texts: …. (Smith, 2018), …. (Tsuji and Hayate, 2012), …. (Smith et al., 2019), .… (Smith, 2018; Tsuji, 2012), …. (Smith et al., 2018a; Smith et al., 2018b) 
2.9.2) References list
Published literatures or unpublished works must be listed alphabetically by surname of author at the end of the manuscript. Each reference to a periodical publication must include, in order, the name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication, the full title of the article, the publication in which it appears, the volume and inclusive page numbers, and the digital object identifier (DOI), if available. Examples of references are listed as follow:
Journal article
Halmilton, M.B., Pincus, E.L., Fion, A.D., and Fleischer, R. C. 1999. Universal linker and ligation procedures for construction of genomic DNA libraries enriched for microsatellites.  J. Dairy Sci. 27: 500-507. https://doi.org/xx.xxxxxxxxxx
Gupta, A.P., and Kumar, V. 2007. New emerging trends in synthetic biodegradable polymers-polylactide: A critique. Eur. Polym. J. 43: 4053-4074.
Carr, R.L. 1976. Powder and granule properties and mechanics. Marcel Dekker Publisher, New York.
Chapter in book
Jackson, M.B. 1982. Ethylene as a growth promoting hormone under flooded conditions. In: Wareing, P.F. (ed) Plant growth substance. Academic Press, London. p.291-301.
Proceeding, symposia etc.
Pratt, A., Gilkes, R.J., Ward, S.C., and Jasper, D.A. 2000. Variations in the properties of regolith materials affect the performance of tree growth in rehabilitated bauxite mine-pits in the Darling Range, SW-Australia. In: Brion, A., and Bell, R.W. (eds) Proceeding of Remade Land 2000, the International Conference on Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands. Fremantle, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2000. Promaco Conventions, Canning Bridge. p.87-88.
Senthong, C. 1979. Growth analysis in several peanut cultivars and the effect of peanut root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria) on peanut yields. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
3. Equation, figure, table and unit of measurement
All equations presented in the text can be prepared by Equation editor from Microsoft word or Math Type.
Data presented in figure must be written in English. Color or gray scale figure should be prepared as TIFF format (.tif) with at least 600 dpi. Photograph should be prepared as TIFF (.tif) or JPEG (.jpg) format with at least 600 dpi. Figure with caption should be placed next to the relevant text, rather than at the bottom of the file.
Data presented in table must be written in English. Table with caption and footnote should be placed next to the relevant text, rather than at the bottom of the file.
Author should use the International System of Units (S.I.)
4. Structure of manuscript 
- Title
- Author names and affiliations
- Keywords
- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION  (this part, the results and discussion can be combined or separated depends on author design)
5. After acceptance
Authors may be asked to send the “Copyright Transfer Agreement” to JSAT.
6. Publication or processing fee
At this moment, there is no publication or processing fee.