Trichoderma: Biology, ecology and Trichoderma-plant and Trichodermapathogen interactions
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The fungal genus Trichoderma, belonging to the family Hypocreaceae, Euascomycetes, Ascomycota,
Eukaryota, consists of more than 200 species and ecologically resides in most soils in the roots of plants as
a rhizosphere-competent and in the part of plants as avirulent opportunistic symbionts, in the decaying woods and
organic matters as saprophytes. However, to study the biology, ecology, and plant-Trichoderma-pathogen
networking, it is essential to understand the colonization of host plant roots, plant growth promotion, root hair
development, yield or crop productivity, induced systemic resistance, and prime plant defense. The objective of this
review paper was to describe the Trichoderma functions which can attack, invade, and inhibit other types of fungi
or microbes as biocontrol agents through the mechanisms called antagonistic organisms, antibiosis, nutrient and
space competition, mycoparasitism, endophytic colonization, and inactivation of plant pathogen’s enzymes. This
review summarizes an overview of the biology, ecology, and knowledge background of Trichoderma-plant and
Trichoderma-pathogen interactions.
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