Effect of extraction time on the amounts of neurotransmitters and amino acids in chicken essence
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This study aimed to quantify yields of chicken essence, neurotransmitters, and amino acid concentrations
in chicken essence. Kasetsart University, Thailand, bred three chicken lines to improve carcass percentages, and we
used the chicken lines as the sources for chicken essence preparation. The selected chicken lines were Betong
chicken (KU line), Tapaotong Kasetsart, and KU-Phuparn. Treatments were different extraction times for 1.0, 1.5,
and 2.0 hours at 100 degrees Celsius. The results showed that Betong chicken (KU line) yielded higher amounts of
chicken essence when employing 1.5 and 2.0 hours of extraction time compared to others from the Tapaotong
Kasetsart and KU-Phuparn lines. Also, the concentration of each neurotransmitter in chicken essence with different
extraction times was significantly different (P < 0.05). In addition to extraction time, Betong chicken (KU line)
carcasses as the source of chicken essence preparation generated the highest amounts of anserine, carnosine, and
creatine, followed by KU-Phuparn and Tapaotong, Kasetsart, respectively. Like neurotransmitters, extending
extraction time improved the contents of amino acids. Compared to chicken essence extracted from Betong chicken
(KU line) and Tapaotong Kasetsart, chicken essence originating from the KU-Phuparn line tended to generate a
higher concentration of amino acids. The findings suggest that chicken lines and extraction affected chicken essence
yields and amounts of neurotransmitters and amino acids in chicken essence.
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