A Study of the Relationship between Involvement in Environmental Activities and Development of Desirable Behavior of KMUTT Students in the Course "SSC 290: Environment and Development"

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Riruengrong Ratanavilaisakul


The purpose of this research was to study the satisfactory level of KUMTT students towardscourse "SSC 290: Environment and Development" and the relationship between involvement inenvironmental activities and development of desirable behavior of students. The results will be used forimprovement of the effective instruction on this subject course at KMUTT. The samples in this study were789 students enrolling in this course in the second semester of academic year 2005. The results of thestudy showed that the samples had satisfactory level towards course "SSC 290: Environment andDevelopment" in part of course content at moderate level but the satisfactory level in part of environmentalactivities were at trend high.

The analysis of the relationship between involvement in environmental activities and developmentof desirable behavior of the students showed that the involvement in environmental activities relatedpositivity significantly at the .01 level with development of desirable behavior of students consisted ofteamwork, responsibility, plan of work, problem solving ability, emotion control, diligence, punctuality,concerned for others and respect to rule and regulations.

Keywords : Satisfaction toward Course "SSC 290" / Involvement in Environmental Activities /Development of Desirable Behavior

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Author Biography

Riruengrong Ratanavilaisakul, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Social Science and Humanities Program, School of Liberal Arts.