Pilot scale production of Baculovirus using insect cell culture for biopesticides

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Kanokwan Poomputsa
Kathariya Puewkhow
Phenjun Mekvichitsaeng
Uthai Ketnuti


Baculoviruses are insect specific viruses which have been used as biopesticide for many years because oftheir effectiveness in insect control and safety for human and environment. The nucleopolyhedroviruses (NPVs)are the most widely used baculoviruses since the viruses are occluded in the polyhedral inclusion body whichstabilizes them in the environment. There are 2 methods for NPV production, in insect larvae and insect cellculture. In this study, NPV production by insect cell culture (Heliothis zea cell line) in a stirred-tank reactor (20L working volume) was investigated. Using medium mixtures developed in our laboratory, maximum yield at 7.8x 106 BIPs/ml was obtained. The NPVs were tested for the biopesticide efficacy both in the control environment,in the laboratory, and in the field. It was found that the NPVs produced in this work were as potent as the NPVsproduced from insect larvae by the Department of Agriculture which are currently distributed to the farmers.The formulated NPVs were also found to be efficacious. Thus, insect cell culture is a suitable host for NPVproduction. Not only the active NPV are produced, pilot scale production is also possible.

Keywords : Baculovirus / Polyhedral Inclusion Body / NPVs / Insect Cell Culture /Helicoverpa armigera / Heliothis zea / Pilot Scale

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Author Biographies

Kanokwan Poomputsa, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150

Lecturer, Biotechnology Division, School of Bioresources and Technology.

Kathariya Puewkhow, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150

Researchers, Pilot plant Development and Training Institute.

Phenjun Mekvichitsaeng, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150

Researchers, Pilot plant Development and Training Institute.

Uthai Ketnuti, Department of Agriculture, Jatujak, Bangkok, 10900

Researcher, Entomology and Zoology Division.