Mechanical Properties and Durability of Portland Cement Containing Ground Slag by Los Angeles Machine

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Burachat Chatveera
Narongsak Makul


This research presented mechanical properties and durability of Portland cement containing slag fromcar engine foundry. The investigation included chemical composition and physical properties of slag, normalconsistency and setting time of paste, slag activity index and flowability of mortar. A mechanical property such ascompressive strength of mortar was also investigated. Durability properties tested were drying shrinkage of paste,hydrochloric acid attacks and carbonation reaction of mortar. Hydrochloric acid was used at a concentration of5% by weight. Mortars with the percentage replacements of slag in Portland cement type I by weight were 0, 10,20, 30, 40 and 50% and water to binder materials ratio (W/B) of 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 were used. The binder materialsto sand ratio was 1:2.75 by weight. The test results showed that slag which was ground by Los Angeles machine(1000 revolutions) could not be used as slag for using in concrete as specified by ASTM C 989 standards. Normalconsistency and setting time of paste and flowability in term of water requirement of mortar were increasedwhen the percentage replacements of slag in Portland cement were increased whereas compressive strength ofmortar was decreased. Furthermore, drying shrinkage of paste, the weight loss due to hydrochloric acid ofmortar, and the depth of carbonation reaction of mortar were increased when the percentage replacements ofslag in Portland cement were increased.

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Author Biographies

Burachat Chatveera, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Pathumthani 12121

Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering.

Narongsak Makul, Thammasat University (Rangsit Campus), Pathumthani 12121

Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering.