Teaching Creativity on Automotive Technology

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Banchob Orachon
Kangwon Tiankantade


The research was aimed to construct of teaching packages for Teaching Creativity on AutomotiveTechnology by contents analysis in order to pick up the sample package in topic of water cooling system service.The teaching packages consisted of trainer manual, trainee manual, knowledge and performance tests questionand each manual consists of seven modules.

After the teaching package had been done completely, the teaching package was submitted to fiveexperts in order to evaluate the quality. The result showed that the qualities of contents, objective, and presentationwere 4.42 (88.40%) , the qualities of pictures were 4.34 (86.80%), the qualities of the letters were 4.20 (84.00%) , thequalities of tests question were 4.15 (83.00%) and the qualities of modules using were 4.06 (81.20%). So, the totalqualities of teaching packages were 4.23 (84.60%). They were in good level. Thereafter, the teaching package hadbeen used, the result of efficiency of the teaching package was an average value of 80.80/81.36 correspondingwith the criterion, 80/80. The analysis of learning achievement with t-test of sample groupûs (at significant level0.05) was 42.09. This mean that the knowledge and performance of the sample group increased up exactly.

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Author Biographies

Banchob Orachon, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Technology Education.

Kangwon Tiankantade, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Department of Technology Education.