Glucose, Fructose and Sucrose Accumulation in Root and Root Exudate of Rice cv. Supanburi 1

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Warunee Pusatjapong
Orapin Kerdchoechuen
Sirintornthep Towprayoon


The content of 3 sugars; glucose, fructose and sucrose in root and root exudate of rice cv. Supanburi1 was studied in sand-ponic using Hoaglandûs nutrient solution. The objective of this study was to investigate therelation of sugars determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in rice root and root exudate. Theresult showed that glucose in rice root was highest at reproductive phase. However, fructose and sucrose contentsin rice root were abundant at ripening of developmental growth. The average of total sugars was found at bothreproductive and ripening phases but the rice root contained a higher of total sugars at reproductive phase thanripening phase. Although glucose was found at vegetative phase and fructose was appeared at reproductivephase, rice root did not secrete any of sucrose as in root exudate. In this study, there was no relation of sugarsin rice root and root exudate.

Keywords : Glucose / Fructose / Sucrose / Root Exudate / Rice cv. Supanburi 1Abstract1 Graduate

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Author Biographies

Warunee Pusatjapong, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Graduate Student, Division of Environmental Technology, School of Energy and Materials.

Orapin Kerdchoechuen, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Division of Natural Resource Management, School of Bioresources and Technology.

Sirintornthep Towprayoon, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Associate Professor, Division of Environmental Technology, School of Energy and Materials.