Properties of Refractory Brick Using Chainat Sand as Raw Material

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Phanuwat Suriyachat
Sarot Koadee


The objective of this paper is to study the utilization of the on land deposited sand from Kuoanoi,Hunka district, Chainat province. By mixing with K-Feldspar and fire clay in various ratios, the Chainat sand isused as raw material for insulator brick production according to ASTM Standard. The results are compared withtwo commercially available refractory bricks.

Chainat sand consists of 80% Quartz and 20% K-Feldspar which is the natural binder. The grain sizedistribution of Chainat sand is not well graded with fineness modulus of 1.42. According to Unified SoilClassification system it is in SP group, namely as poorly graded sand. The basic properties of admixtures namelyWater Absorption, Apparent porosity, Apparent Specific Gravity, Bulk Density, Cold Crushing Strength, ThermalConductivity, and Burning Shrinkage at 300, 350, and 400 kg/cm2 forming pressures are tested and presented intable forms. In conclusion, the Chainat sand mixing in proper ratios with K-Feldspar and fire clay can be usedas main raw material for refractory brick according to ASTM standard. Furthermore, some limitations andrecommendation are pointed out.

Keywords : Chainat Sand / Refractory Brick / K-Feldspar / Fire Clay / Cold Crushing Strength /Thermal Conductivity / Burning Shrinkage

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Author Biographies

Phanuwat Suriyachat, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering.

Sarot Koadee, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Graduate Student, Department of Civil Engineering.