Publication Indicators of KMUTT in Science Citation Index

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Nongyao Premkamolnetr


This article presented publication indicators of King Mongkutûs University of Technology Thonburi(KMUTT) papers appeared in Science Citation Index (SCI), during between 1993 and July 2003. It was foundthat there were 330 papers during the past almost 11 years, and year 2001 had the highest rate of publicationwhich were 68 papers or 20.60%, followed by 2002, which were 61 papers or 18.49% . The total papers werefound in 147 international journals, of which Langmuir had the highest 2001 impact factor as 2.963. The paperswere distributed in 48 subject categories of 169 ISI Subject Category List. The most published papers were inEngineering field (34 papers), follow by Materials Science (22 papers), and Chemistry and Energy & Fuel (14papers each). With regard to number of authors in generating the publications, it was found that most papershad 3 authors (30.66%), and 2 authors (28.48 %) respectively. Of all the 330 papers, 102 or 30.91% were writtenwith international scholars from 19 different countries, and United States gained the highest number of writingpapers with KMUTT.

Keywords : Publication Indicator / Publication Distribution / KMUTT / Science Citation Index

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Special Articles
Author Biography

Nongyao Premkamolnetr, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Librarian, KMUTT Library.