Air Freshener Gel Production using Extracted Fragrance from Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) Leaves

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Nongnuch Charoenkul
Nutta Laohakuljit
Dudsadee Uttapap


The aim of this research was to prepare air freshener gel using fragrance extracted from pandan leaves by simultaneous steam distillation and extraction. According to the 2—acetyl—1—pyrroline (ACPY) content combined with sensory evaluation, 3 gel formulas were chosen formula 1 (1.5% carrageenan, 296 propylene glycol and 20% fragrance), formula 2 (2.0% carrageenan, 3% propylene glycol and 20% fragrance) and formula 3 (2.5% carrageenan, 3% propylene glycol and 2096 fragrance). After storage the gels at 22±1 OC and 69±3% RH for 4 hours, the ACPY content of formula1, 2 and 3 decreased 77.90%, 56.43% and 12.29%, respectively. No ACPY was detected in all formulas after 2 days storage, however mild pandan odor still could he smelt. The color intensity of these gels increased with time, while the gel strength changed slightly during 4 days storage. About 90% dimension loss and 50% weight loss were found at day 10th.

Keywords : Pandan Leaves / Fragrance / Air Freshner Gel / Simultaneous Steam Distillation and Extraction / 2-Acctyl- 1 -Pyrroline / Purge & Trap / GC—MS


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Author Biographies

Nongnuch Charoenkul, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10400

Graduate Student, Biochemical Technology Program, School of Bioresources and Technology.

Nutta Laohakuljit, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10400

Lecturer Biochemical Technology Program, School of Bioresources and Technology.

Dudsadee Uttapap, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10400

Associate Professor, Biochemical Technology Program, School of Bioresources and Technology.