The Evaluation of ‘Quota’ Student Project Achievement Faculty of Engineering King Mongkut’'s University of Technology Thonburi

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Somchai Congmuang
Phornchai Tangvickhump
Wongwiwat Panprasithvej


The purpose of this study is to investigate the achievement of the Quota Student Projectthat has been administered by the Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkuts University of TechnologyThonburi. The study found that ;

In regard to the component of graduation which was defined as productivity, the percentageof student graduates who were selected as a result of the Quota process, was comparativelyhigher than that of those who were admitted through the National Entrance Examination processbothin the total graduated who may have extended their education, and those who met thestandard four-year program. Additionally, the percentage of the Quota students who dropped outwas less than the students of the regular program who entered by way of the National EntranceExamination. With regard to the component of Efficiency, the percentage of honor graduates washigher with the Quota students than with the Regulars.

In regard to the component of Efficiency of Project Administration, of which the CIPPmodel was introduced for the study, it was found that all of the four components (i.e. Context,Input, Process, and Product) were rated good on the scale of the four evaluations (very good,good, moderate, and poor); Context 3.20, Input 2.92, Process 2.83 and Product 3.21, respectively.

In conclusion, the achievement of the Quota Students Project was considered good(3.04) concluding that the comprehensive educational performance of the Quota students washigher than that of the Regular mode students and the project can successfully open the channel ofthe educational opportunity for students from upcountry provinces and for students in the nearbyareas of the campus.

Keywords : Quota Student, Regular Mode Student, Productivity, Efficiency, Context,Input, Process, Product.

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Author Biographies

Somchai Congmuang, King Mongkut’'s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Administrative Staff, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering.

Phornchai Tangvickhump, King Mongkut’'s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Academic Supporting Staff, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering.

Wongwiwat Panprasithvej, King Mongkut’'s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Toongkru, Bangkok 10140

Academic Supporting Staff, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering.