Thai Errors in Using English Adjectives

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Charatdao Intratat


This paper presents an error analysis in using English adjectives by KMUTT students. Thisstudy aims to investigate the co-occurrences of the students English adjectives with words fromother categories when they are mistaken for verbs.

Though erroneous in English, these co-occurrences are approved in Thai. This arouses aquestion whether these errors could be traced back to the students conceptual categorization fromtheir native language or not.

The hypothesis of this study is that Thai students errors in using English adjectives derivefrom the interference of their mother tongue. From the analysis, the hypothesis was confirmed.

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Author Biography

Charatdao Intratat, King Mongkut'’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Thungkru, Bangkok 10140

Lecturer, Department of Language, School of Liberal Arts.