Development of a Software on Performance Calculation for Small Induction Motors

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Prasit Owsirigull
Wonlop Ruengduaytam
Monthon Leelajindakrailerk
Sulee Bunjongjit


This paper presents the development of a software for small inductionmotors on performance calculation. By using the concept of cross-field theory, itgives more speed and ease to use. There are two conditions to be concerned in usingthis calculation method, one is speed and the other is the winding connections: singlewinding or combined winding. This new package is an easily and efficiently operatedsoftware package because it has a graphical user interface (GUI) and runs on apersonal computer along with Microsoft Windows.

With this software, a user can calculate the performance of six types smallinduction motors and they are as follows: capacitor-start motor, split-‘phase motor,permanent split capacitor motor, two-value capacitor motor, split-phase capacitormotor, and two - value dual auxill wedge capacitor motor.

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Author Biographies

Prasit Owsirigull, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Graduate Student, Department of Electrical Engineering

Wonlop Ruengduaytam, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Assistant Researcher, Department of Electrical Engineering (NECTEC)

Monthon Leelajindakrailerk, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering

Sulee Bunjongjit, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lardkrabang

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering