A Survey Study for Offering a Master of Science Degree Programme in Industrial Education

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Nongnuj Patharakornl
Visa Tia


This survey investigated the possiblility setting up a programme for a Master ofScience Degree in Industrial Education. A questionnaire was distributed to technicalcollege teachers of the Department of Vocational Education, the Rajamangala Instituteof Technology and private educational institutions in order to survey the respondents’needs for further education, their fields of interest and the educational level requested,including curriculum characteristics recommended by the respondents.

Questionaire responses from 967 respondents were collected. The results canbe summarized as follows :

1. About 90 percent of the respondents received their Bachelor of ScienceDegree in Industrial Education.

2. About 65 percent of the respondents graduated from the RajamangalaInstitute of Technology

3. About 74 percent of the respondents were aged from 2 5 to 35 years old.

4. About 92 percent of the respondents had more than 4 years of teachingexperience.

5. About 91 percent of the respondents planned to further their study.

6. About 76 percent of the respondents wanted to further their study for aMaster of Science Degree in Industrial Education.

7. About 9 1 percent of the respondents wanted to study on a post-graduate course.

8. About 90 percent of the respondents wanted to study in the years B.E.2533-2537.

Concerning the curriculum characteristics, the respondents gave their opinionsas follows :

1. About 6 1 percent of the respondents recommended that educational coursesand engineering courses should be in a proportion of 40 : 60.

2. Fifty-three percent suggested that project work should count for 6 credits andabout 57 percent suggeste,d that actual courses should be offerred duringworking time.

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Author Biographies

Nongnuj Patharakornl, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi

Assistant Professor, School of Industrial Education

Visa Tia, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi

Researcher, Center of Operational Research and Development