The Study of the Most Suitable Constituents of Sweet-Pickled Cucumber : The Role of Lactic Acid Bacteria

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Duangporn Kantachote
Nattaya Tumkadae


From this story, it was found that flavour constituents of sweet-pickled cucumberwere as follows : 40O Brix sugar, 2.3 % salt, 1.75 % vinegar, 1.0 % CaCl2, 5 minute blanching time need in the process and 5 x 166 Leuconostoc mesenteroides cells were added to every 425 grams of cucumber After being fermented for 5 days, the pH ofthe product was 3.5 acidity of 0.76% as lactic acid. In addition sugar and salt were reduced to 15’ Brix and 0.68%, respectively. The product was olive green translucent and crunchy.

It was shown that in both formulations, Lactobacillus fermenti, L. pZantarumand L. viridescens played the key roles. L. brevis was found only in the controlled pickles,while L. mesenteroides was found only in the controlled pickles, L. viridescens was found in the largest quantities of L. plantarum and L. brevis increased where as the quantity of L. fermenti remained the same. The most quantity of L.plantarzun was found duringthe third and the fifth day. The taste was too sour and there was mucous and gas formation for the culture-added pickles, the quantities of L. viridescens and L. plantarum were equal on the first day. On the second and the third day, L. viridescens was prominent,L. plantanzm and L. mesenteroides were found the most on the third day. At day 4 and 5 L. plantarum and L. mesenteroides remained the most, however L. viridescens disappeared. The taste of the culture added is flavourous.

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