Development of Dharma Room Booking – Accommodation Reservation System and Information Management, A Case Study of Wathuatoei


  • sarapee chunkaew -


Database Management System, Web Application, Mobile Application


The purpose of this research was (1) to develop a meditation room booking system for accommodation and data management at Wathuatoei and (2) to evaluate by a sample group consisting of eight general users and one staff member responsible for booking the meditation room. The evaluation was conducted by ten third-year computer science students using a purposive sampling. The developed system is a web application form that can run on both web browsers and mobile devices. The system development process followed the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology. The system can be used as a local web application without an internet connection and uses programming languages such as PHP, CSS, HTML, Android SDK, and JavaScript with Bootstrap. The database management system used was MySQL. The research tools utilized were group user interviews and system usability evaluation surveys for the meditation room booking and data management system, as applied in the case study of Wathuatoei. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The results showed that the developed meditation room booking system for accommodation and data management, a case study of Wathuatoei, was successful. The web application users were categorized into two types: administrators and staff, whereas the mobile application users were general people. The developed system increased the convenience of managing room reservations, dharma practice, and accommodation, thereby solving mistakes and redundant bookings, and managing basic information more efficiently. The system use received a good evaluation rating, with an average score of 4.37.


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How to Cite

chunkaew, sarapee. (2024). Development of Dharma Room Booking – Accommodation Reservation System and Information Management, A Case Study of Wathuatoei. Journal of Science and Technology Songkhla Rajabhat University, 3(1), 12–25. retrieved from



Research Article