Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers
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A multiphase sinusoidal oscillator using multiple-output operational transconductanceamplifiers and grounded capacitors is described. The proposed multiphase sinusoidaloscillator is composed of N cascaded lossy integrators, which can generate N output currentequal-amplitude signals that are equally spaced in phase. The oscillation frequency can beelectronically tunable without affecting the condition of oscillation. The proposedconfiguration also has a simple structure, low component count, low active and passivesensitivities, and is very suitable for IC implementation in both bipolar and CMOS/BiCMOStechnologies. The theoretical results are verified by PSPICE simulation. Simulation resultsshow that a multiphase sinusoidal oscillator can generate a high frequency sinusoidalwaveform.
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How to Cite
Kumngern, M., & Dejhan, K. (2014). Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. Science & Technology Asia, 14(1), 82–94. retrieved from