Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers

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Montree Kumngern
Kobchai Dejhan


A multiphase sinusoidal oscillator using multiple-output operational transconductanceamplifiers and grounded capacitors is described. The proposed multiphase sinusoidaloscillator is composed of N cascaded lossy integrators, which can generate N output currentequal-amplitude signals that are equally spaced in phase. The oscillation frequency can beelectronically tunable without affecting the condition of oscillation. The proposedconfiguration also has a simple structure, low component count, low active and passivesensitivities, and is very suitable for IC implementation in both bipolar and CMOS/BiCMOStechnologies. The theoretical results are verified by PSPICE simulation. Simulation resultsshow that a multiphase sinusoidal oscillator can generate a high frequency sinusoidalwaveform.

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How to Cite
Kumngern, M., & Dejhan, K. (2014). Multiphase Sinusoidal Oscillators Using Operational Transconductance Amplifiers. Science & Technology Asia, 14(1), 82–94. retrieved from
Author Biographies

Montree Kumngern

Telecommunications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lat Krabang,Bangkok 10520, Thailand

Kobchai Dejhan

Telecommunications Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lat Krabang,Bangkok 10520, Thailand