MHD Fluid Flow with Cross-Diffusion Effects through Channel Using Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method

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Khushbu Bhaskar
Kalpna Sharma
Sumit Gupta
Ruchika Mehta


The intention of the present study is to investigate the cross-diffusion effect on MHD fluid flow passing through a vertical channel. Navier slip boundary conditions are applied by assuming that the channel is filled with a porous medium. The effect of considered parameters is also studied on heat as well as on mass transfer. With the help of an optimal homotopic procedure, the transformed governing equations are evaluated. The quantitative estimates are contributed through graphs and physical quantities are presented through a table.

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How to Cite
Bhaskar, K. ., Sharma, K. ., Gupta, S., & Mehta, R. . (2020). MHD Fluid Flow with Cross-Diffusion Effects through Channel Using Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method. Science & Technology Asia, 25(1), 19–30. retrieved from
Physical sciences