Note on Recent Fixed Point Results in Graphical Rectangular b-Metric Spaces

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Pravin Baradol
Dhananjay Gopal


This paper aims to rectify the recent fixed point results on graphical rectangular bmetric spaces due to Mudasir Younis et al. (J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., doi:10.1007/s11784-019-0673-3, 2019). Moreover, we also give the answer of some open problem in the mentioned research related to the Kannan contraction mapping in the space described above with its fixed point theorems.

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How to Cite
Baradol, P. ., & Gopal, D. . (2020). Note on Recent Fixed Point Results in Graphical Rectangular b-Metric Spaces. Science & Technology Asia, 25(4), 1–11. Retrieved from
Physical sciences