Some Number-Theoretic Products

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Narakorn Rompurk Kanasri
Arlisa Janjing


For a positive integer n, let P(n) and P′ (n) be the products of all elements in the finite sets {x: 1 ≤ xn, (x, n) = 1} and {x : 1 ≤ xn/2, (x, n) = 1}, respectively. In this article, we verify the formula for P(n) and use it to establish the formula for P′ (n). Explicit formulae for both P (pa) and P′ (pa), where pa is a prime power, are also derived.

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How to Cite
Narakorn Rompurk Kanasri, & Arlisa Janjing. (2022). Some Number-Theoretic Products. Science & Technology Asia, 27(4), 228–235. retrieved from
Physical sciences