Novel Approach to Solar Tracking Using 3D Printed Swiss Lever Escapement

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Abul Kashem Tahmid Shahriar
Sappinandana Akamphon


A novel modular solar tracking system for use with in-situ materials is presented in this article. The tracker rotates at a fixed rate of 15° per hour using a 3D printed Swiss level escapement actuated by moment imbalance about the connecting pivot. Previous studies have shown that a fixed rotation system can increase efficiency by 20-30%, and experimental evaluation shows support for potentiality. The device can be made within 1,200 Thai Baht in total if primarily 3D printed, and can be assembled with relative ease by anyone using commonly available fasteners. The design is open-source, and possibilities for further development are discussed in the article.

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How to Cite
Abul Kashem Tahmid Shahriar, & Sappinandana Akamphon. (2023). Novel Approach to Solar Tracking Using 3D Printed Swiss Lever Escapement. Science & Technology Asia, 28(2), 174–182. retrieved from