Generalized Penon Involutive Weak Globular Higher Categories

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Paratat Bejrakarbum
Paolo Bertozzini


This research examines a generalization of the concept of an involutive weak globular 𝜔-category through Penon’s approach. We first introduce the notion of a globular cone, then equip it with compositions, identities, and self-duality. Next, a free reflexive self-dual globular-cone 𝜔-magma and a free strict involutive globular-cone 𝜔-category along with a specified contraction over a given globular cone are established. An algebra for the monad induced by the free-forgetful adjunction arising from the previously constructed structure naturally defines an involutive weak globular-cone 𝜔-category. We finally provide crucial examples of involutive weak globular-cone 𝜔-categories.

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Bejrakarbum, P., & Bertozzini, P. (2024). Generalized Penon Involutive Weak Globular Higher Categories. Science & Technology Asia, 29(3), 10–24. retrieved from
Physical sciences


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