The Analysis of Safety Behavior in Construction Project

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Feri Harianto
Moh Arif Rohman
I Putu Artama Wiguna
Erma Suryani


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of using videos and safety games packaged on mobile phones on work safety behavior. The quasi-experimental research method uses learning media through videos, safety games, and work experience. The dependent variable is work safety behavior, while age and education are covariates. Sampling as respondents using purposive sampling with a sample size of 60. This analysis uses ANOVA. The result of this research is that the learning media in the form of video significantly affects the perception of work safety (sig. < 0.05). Video is the best learning media between the combination of safety game and video-safetygame in providing a perception of safety behavior with a mean = 3.494. The results of this study contribute to implementing safety training in the field. Video is a learning media that increases knowledge about work safety to reduce the incidence of work injuries.

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How to Cite
Feri Harianto, Moh Arif Rohman, Wiguna, I. P. A., & Suryani, E. . (2024). The Analysis of Safety Behavior in Construction Project. Science & Technology Asia, 29(3), 1–9. retrieved from


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