Modeling Optimum Logistic For Multi-day Climbing In Tropical Mountain By Considering Geometrical Constraint
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We propose here a set of mathematical model used to predict optimum logistic preparation for multi-day climbing in a tropical mountain. The model is developed based on energy cost paid for the climbing and its corresponding optimum logistic demand where both depend on climbing track profile and necessity to stay overnight. To calculate the energy cost, we need to formulate energy expenditure (EE) based on the track profiles and climber heart rates during the climbing. Moreover, the logistic demand is optimized by using objective functions which are dedicated to fulfill the energy cost with logistic weight and volume of climbing backpack as their main constraints. Additionally, novel geometrical constraint from climbing backpack dimension is proposed and involved to the optimization model. We demonstrate the use of our proposed model to predict optimal number of logistic items for a particular climbing track in the Java Island of Indonesia.
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