Experimental Analysis and Optimization of Power Generation by Waste Heat Thermoelectric Module of Biomass Dryer for Lighting
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The goal of this study is the application and optimization of electricity generation in lighting systems. There are five steps for examining model optimization as follows: 1) design the thermoelectric module to generate electricity, 2) study the influence of variables through experimental design, 3) analyze variance and mathematical modeling, 4) simulation and surface mapping, and 5) optimize the model to find the optimal condition. A thermoelectric device was used and removed in hybrid circuits. A full factorial design is used for the experimental study of a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) bulb load (5 to 25 W) and a temperature difference (ΔT) between the hot and cold sides from 5 to 30 ˚C. The analysis of variance and mathematical modeling found that the modeling as a function of ΔT and load was non-linear. The model can then be used for surface plots and results can be predicted, and experimental data showed good agreement (R2 = 97.13%). The yield power generation increased with increasing ΔT. Finally, a LED bulb load of 13.68 W and a temperature of 30 ˚C was found to be the optimum condition.
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