Interval-Valued Picture Fuzzy Ideals of Semigroups

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Anusorn Simuen
Ronnason Chinram
Winita Yonthanthum


In this article, we define an interval-valued picture fuzzy subsemigroup and an interval-valued picture fuzzy left ideal[right ideal, ideal, bi-ideal, interior ideal, quasi-ideal] of a semigroup, as well as investigate some properties of an interval-valued picture fuzzy subsemigroup and various types of an interval-valued picture fuzzy ideal of a semigroup. Furthermore, we will study the relationship between each ideal of a semigroup and its intervalvalued picture fuzzification.

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How to Cite
Anusorn Simuen, Chinram, R., & Winita Yonthanthum. (2025). Interval-Valued Picture Fuzzy Ideals of Semigroups. Science & Technology Asia, 30(1), 117–137. retrieved from
Physical sciences


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