Effects of Polysaccharide-Based Viscosity- Modifying Agent on Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete
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To address the high cost of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in Thailand, this research examines the use of viscosity-modifying agents (VMAs) to enhance sustainability and promote cost effectiveness and carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction. Encouraging the study of polysaccharide-based viscosity-modifying agents (PVMAs), particularly locally available starch, this research investigated various SCC mixtures. The analysis included properties such as slump flow, T50cm time, V-Funnel time, L-box filling ability, bleeding, setting times, and compressive strength. The concrete mixtures were made with water-to-binder ratios (w/b) of 0.28, 0.32, and 0.37. The cement/fly ash ratio was kept constant at 0.50 for all concrete mixtures. The results revealed that the addition of starch to the concrete decreased slump flow and L-Box filling ability while it increased T50cm and V-funnel times. Moreover, a delay in strength development at early ages was also found, but no effect was seen at later ages. Additionally, the binder content was reduced from 580 kg/m³ to 500 kg/m³, resulting in a cost reduction from 4.90% to 5.64% and CO2 relative emission-reduction of 6.15% to 12.30%, marking a decrease of 5.64% for cost and 12.30% for CO2 emission, while maintaining the properties of SCC. In conclusion, starch as a locally-sourced polysaccharide-based VMA offers potential benefits for manufacturing SCC with desirable properties, aligning with SCC criteria and showing promise for the construction industry.
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