Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) in MATLAB Monitoring Number and Size of Speckle Granules

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Siripon Kaoroptham
Rittipol Chantarat
Prapot Kunthong


This research aims to study the effect of changing the number and size of speckle granules to compare the result of the material properties between using the Digital Image Correction method (DIC) in MATLAB and the standard average of material properties. This research used stainless steel - grade 304 (UNS S30400) by testing 3 sets of experiments with an unequal number and size of speckle granules in each test to compare the effect of the number and size of speckle granules in calculations using Digital Image Correlation (DIC). The results show that the errors of changing the number of speckle granules from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) in Young’s Modulus (𝑬) around 0.017238407-0.063998425% and Poisson’s ratio (𝝑) around 0.072674419-1.251840943% and the errors of changing the size of speckle granules from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) in Young’s Modulus (𝑬) around 0.030729470-0.316238141% and Poisson’s ratio (𝝑) around 0.069043207-0.531703259%.

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How to Cite
Siripon Kaoroptham, Rittipol Chantarat, & Prapot Kunthong. (2024). Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) in MATLAB Monitoring Number and Size of Speckle Granules. Science & Technology Asia, 29(2), 63–73. retrieved from


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