Exploring Augmented Reality Design for Robot Maintenance Training through the Kano Model

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Rattawut Vongvit
Tanawut Churaksa
Nattapan Rattana


Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to access the real world while embedding it with a layer of virtual objects designed to coexist seamlessly in real time. Recently, researchers and developers have found a growing number of AR uses. The effectiveness of staff and student training has improved due to the improvement of AR technologies. However, since the field of AR is still in its early stages, there needs to be more literature on AR user requirements. As a result, implementing customer insights is critical. This research aims to identify consumer requirements for designing AR-based robot maintenance training. The Kano model determines consumer requirements and classifies the factors influencing customer intentions to use AR-based robot maintenance training. The framework and results from this study can be used to prioritize and comprehend customer needs for designing AR-based robot maintenance training according to the user requirements.

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How to Cite
Rattawut Vongvit, Tanawut Churaksa, & Nattapan Rattana. (2024). Exploring Augmented Reality Design for Robot Maintenance Training through the Kano Model. Science & Technology Asia, 29(2), 102–113. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SciTechAsia/article/view/254652


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