Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Fourth- Generation Selective Breeding Lines of Pacific White Shrimp Using Microsatellites

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Anong Nimlamai
Nattita Iamlae
Sunisa Pungto
Chayanit Khunrit
Kittipat Ukoskit


The Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is a vital aquaculture species in Thailand with substantial economic importance. Ensuring genetic diversity is critical for sustaining a robust gene pool in farmed populations, ensuring resilience to diseases, environmental changes, and enhancing overall productivity. In this study, genetic diversity and structure of 35 families of fourth generation selective breeding lines of L. vannamei were monitored using five microsatellite DNA markers. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of all microsatellite loci exhibited high levels of polymorphism, with PICs greater than 0.70, indicating that the DNA markers were highly informative and effective in detecting allele variations in this population. The number of alleles per locus and the number of effective alleles (Ne) ranged from 3 to 6 and 2.809 to 4.598, with averages of 4.4 and 3.734, respectively. These values indicate that the population possessed a moderate level of genetic diversity. The overall mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) ranged from 0.209 to 0.492, which was lower than the expected heterozygosity (He) (0.714-0.784). The mean inbreeding (Fis) coefficient across all loci was 0.336 indicating a moderate level of inbreeding within this population. The population structure analysis showed that the 35 families were divided into two subpopulations (K=2), related to the sources of the base population collected from two private hatcheries. This study provides valuable insights into population genetics and will help guide breeding strategies of Pacific white shrimp.

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How to Cite
Anong Nimlamai, Nattita Iamlae, Sunisa Pungto, Chayanit Khunrit, & Kittipat Ukoskit. (2025). Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Fourth- Generation Selective Breeding Lines of Pacific White Shrimp Using Microsatellites. Science & Technology Asia, 30(1), 281–289. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SciTechAsia/article/view/254882
Biological sciences


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