Optimal Ultrasound–Assisted Extraction of Concentrated Protein from Cricket Powder

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Supasit Chooklin
Sirirat Pungchompoo
Pakamas Purintrapibal
Thanakorn Damsud
Sirasit Srinuanpan


Edible insects are a valuable protein source, and extracting these proteins is essential for creating customized products with precise compositions. Ultrasound technology offers an environmentally friendly method to improve the extraction process. This study investigated the optimal conditions for protein extraction from cricket powder (Acheta domesticus) using ultrasound-assisted extraction. The key parameters analyzed included the solid-to-liquid ratio (S/L), temperature, and extraction time. The compositional analysis revealed that the protein and lipid contents in the cricket powder were 59.37%w/w and 16.78%w/w, respectively. Utilizing the response surface methodology (RSM) with a Box-Behnken design, the optimal conditions for protein extraction were identified: an S/L ratio of 1:6, a temperature of 40 °C, and an extraction time of 30 min at a constant pH of 11. Under these conditions, the protein content obtained was 22.32%w/w. Subsequent freeze-drying of the extracted cricket protein resulted in a powder with a protein content of 69.57%w/w, a yield of 59.55%, and a protein extraction efficiency of 69.78%. Cytotoxicity assessments using the MTT assay on RAW 264.7 macrophages and to mononuclear cells demonstrated that both the raw and freeze-dried cricket powder exhibited no cytotoxic effect. Therefore, the resultant cricket protein powder shows potential for incorporation into functional food products.

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How to Cite
Supasit Chooklin, Sirirat Pungchompoo, Pakamas Purintrapibal, Thanakorn Damsud, & Sirasit Srinuanpan. (2025). Optimal Ultrasound–Assisted Extraction of Concentrated Protein from Cricket Powder. Science & Technology Asia, 30(1), 271–280. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/SciTechAsia/article/view/254918
Biological sciences


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