Analysis of Laser Absorption Value Using LLLT-50 Device on Biological Samples with 650 nm Wavelengths

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Wahyu Dwi Lestari
Primasari Cahya Wardhani
Nur Aini Fauziyah
Tri Anggono Prijo
Deliana Nurfauziyyah Aminallah


The study aims to determine the absorbance coefficient value, with the light intensity observed before and after using Low-Level Laser Therapy-50 (LLLT-50) device on chicken and cow-meat tissues. The device has 20 mW, 25 mW and 50 mW output power and energy variations of 0.2J, 0.4J, 0.5J, 1.0J, 1.5J, and 2.0J. Samples of chicken meat with thicknesses of 0.65 mm, 0.85 mm, and 1.6 mm, as well as cow meat with thicknesses of 0.30mm, 0.60mm, and 0.85mm are measured using a spindle range. Each measurement is carried out 10 times to ensure the accuracy. The results show that chicken meat has a lower absorption coefficient than cow meat, due to lower myoglobin content and a simpler tissue structure. For chicken tissues with output power of 20 mW, 25 mW and 50 mW respectively, the LLLT-50 devices have absorption coefficients (μ) of -2.2, -2.17; and -2.9. However, the output capacity of the LLLT-50 devices with the same value on the cow meat tissue have μ of 1.2; 1.94; and 2.0. The findings support the development of non-invasive laser therapies, such as acupuncture lasers, by optimizing therapeutic parameters for better efficiency and safety. The research also provides insights into the interaction of laser light with biological tissues that are important for medical and scientific applications.

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How to Cite
Wahyu Dwi Lestari, Primasari Cahya Wardhani, Nur Aini Fauziyah, Tri Anggono Prijo, & Deliana Nurfauziyyah Aminallah. (2025). Analysis of Laser Absorption Value Using LLLT-50 Device on Biological Samples with 650 nm Wavelengths. Science & Technology Asia, 30(1), 220–230. retrieved from


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