A Study of Right Truncated Lomax Rayleigh Distribution and Application for Group Acceptance Sampling Plan
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In this paper, the right-truncated Lomax-Rayleigh distribution (R-TLRD) is presented with some important statistical properties, such as the survival function, hazard function, moment, parameter estimation, and application for group acceptance sampling plans. The right-truncated Lomax-Rayleigh distribution provides the model corresponding to the three real datasets, while the Lomax-Rayleigh distribution fits only the two real datasets. Then, the group acceptance sampling plan when the product lifetime is determined as a right-truncated Lomax-Rayleigh distribution provides the optimum of the number of groups (g), the number of items for each group (r), the acceptance number (c), and the operating characteristic function (OCF) value. The group acceptance sampling plan under right truncated Lomax-Rayleigh distribution gives a smaller sample size for testing than the group acceptance sampling plan under Weibull distribution.
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