Assessment of Suitability and Potential of Rural Settlement Land in Tanah Datar Regency, Indonesia: A Method Based on Comprehensive Criteria for Physical Factors
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Anthropogenic activities interact with the structure of rural dwellings and metabolic processes, affecting the livability of villages. This study aims to assess the suitability and potential of rural settlement land using a method of comprehensive criteria to support sustainable rural development. The research method employed in this study involves a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) procedure, which is chosen for its capability to integrate multiple factors in decision-making. This approach enables the evaluation of land suitability based on topographic and soil characteristics, ensuring an in-depth and objective assessment. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to assign weights to criteria. The findings classify land suitability for settlements into four zones: highly suitable, suitable, marginally suitable, and unsuitable. The potential land suitability for rural settlements is approximately 1,234 hectares, while existing settlements span 1,260 hectares (highly suitable), 1,700 hectares (suitable), 344.64 hectares (marginally suitable), and 208.54 hectares (unsuitable). This method ensures accurate land suitability assessment, aiding settlement optimization. It supports government spatial planning, disaster risk reduction, and community resilience. The findings serve as a guide for sustainable rural settlement management.
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