An Investigation of Extended Proinov Contraction under Non-Triangular Metric Structure and the Corresponding Applications

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Ram Jeevan
Jayesh Savaliya
Dhananjay Gopal


This article demonstrates several fixed point theorems of extended Proinov-type, on the existence and uniqueness of fixed points within the context of non-triangular metric spaces. Additionally, we provide two applications of our primary result, in solving existence and uniqueness of a solution for a non-homogeneous linear parabolic partial differential equation and a stochastic integral equation.

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How to Cite
Ram Jeevan, Jayesh Savaliya, & Dhananjay Gopal. (2025). An Investigation of Extended Proinov Contraction under Non-Triangular Metric Structure and the Corresponding Applications. Science & Technology Asia, 30(1), 1–13. retrieved from
Physical sciences


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