Predictions of Plasma Performance in ITER based on Mixed B/gB, MMM95, and CDBM Transport Models

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J. Promping
Y. Pianroj
A. Fukuyama
T. Onjun


Three different turbulent transport models (Mixed Bohm/gyro-Bohm (Mixed B/gB) model, Multi-mode (MMM95) model, and Current Diffusive Ballooning Mode (CDBM) model) are used in the predictions of ITER plasma performance. Self-consistent simulations of ITER are carried out using two integrated predictive modeling codes, BALDUR and TASK/TR with these turbulent transport models. It is found that when TASK/TR is used with the CDBM turbulent transport model, the most promising plasma performance is obtained among the simulations in this work. It is also found that the electron and ion temperatures, as well as the plasma performance, increase as plasma current, heating power, or line average density increase.

Keyword: Plasma, Fusion, Tokamak, ITER

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How to Cite
Promping, J., Pianroj, Y., Fukuyama, A., & Onjun, T. (2015). Predictions of Plasma Performance in ITER based on Mixed B/gB, MMM95, and CDBM Transport Models. Science & Technology Asia, 17(3), 1–12. retrieved from