Thermal Damage Improvement of Slider Fixture in Ion Mill Heatless Etching Process by FEM

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Wiroj Limtrakarn


This paper presents thermal deformation of slider fixture in ion mill heatless etching process by the finite element method. The research objective is to reduce thermal damage of the ion mill heatless etching process. First the process parameters and slider burn defect of the ion mill heatless etching process are studied. Next, a CAD model and mesh are constructed. Boundary conditions for heat transfer analysis are applied on the mesh. Temperature distribution is calculated and set as thermal load for thermal stress analysis. Then thermal deformation is computed. A new model of slider fixture is designed. The thermal deformation of the new model is computed. The results show that the new model reduces thermal deflection 3% and increases real clamp force 2.5 times the old model. The new model will reduce: the burned area on a slider’s surface or permanent bending deformation.

Keywords: Thermal Damage, Ion Mill Heatless Etching Process, Finite
Element Method

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How to Cite
Limtrakarn, W. (2015). Thermal Damage Improvement of Slider Fixture in Ion Mill Heatless Etching Process by FEM. Science & Technology Asia, 17(3), 20–26. retrieved from