Feasibility study of cassava rhizome and coconut shell charcoal for development as adsorption charcoal


  • chonlada raikham -
  • Papaporn Jantawongrit
  • Parinda Bunkoson
  • Wutthipong Phonkho


ถ่านดูดซับ, เหง้ามันสำปะหลัง, กะลามะพร้าว, โครงสร้างรูพรุน


Charcoal, besides being used as fuel It is also used as adsorption charcoal and hygroscopic charcoal. Most agricultural biomass residues are suitable to be developed into sorbent charcoal because of biomass has carbon as the main component and a high amount of cellulose. In the process of combustion, makes the pores of biomass charcoal increase. The pores of biomass charcoal are another factor that affects the adsorption ability. This research objective, feasibility study of cassava rhizome and coconut shell charcoal for development as adsorption charcoal. Cassava rhizomes and coconut shells are dried and fired in 200-liter drums. After that, the charcoal was ground and sieved using a sieve with a size of 600 micrometers. The charcoal powder was analyzed for physical properties including surface area, porous structure and density. The charcoal powder was analyzed by the proximate analysis including moisture, ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon content. It was found that both types of biomasses after combustion, it has a rough surface and an increased amount of external and internal pore structures. Due to the breakdown of hemicellulose and cellulose in the combustion process. In addition, it was found that both types of biomasses had decreased moisture content after the combustion process, with values within the standard criteria for activated carbon industry products. Moreover, the ash content and volatile matter content of coconut shell charcoal is lower than that of cassava rhizome charcoal. As a result, coconut shell charcoal has higher rough surface area and pore. While, the fixed carbon content of coconut shells charcoal is higher than cassava charcoal which indicate the amount of carbon with high purity. Therefore, the both types of biomasses have suitable properties and possible for development into adsorption charcoal.


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