Impact of Caring for Both Parents and Children On the Life Satisfaction of the Sandwich Generation


  • สุภาวรรณ เปรมชื่น


Sandwich Generation, Responsibility, Life Satisfaction


The purpose of this study were to describe the parental and/or child caring behavior of the sandwich generations and to analyze its impact on their life satisfaction by using secondary data from the research program titled "Well-being of the elderly in Thailand". This national survey was conducted in 2014. According to the studied definition of sandwich generation, there were 1,034 respondents who qualified for the inclusion. The sample consisted of female and male in equal proportions. The average age was 55.67 years old. Most of them were primary educated and employed. Regarding to the types of caring provision, it was in the form of non-financial care more than monetary support. Results from multiple regression analysis indicated that among the four aspects of life satisfaction of sandwiched adults, only the satisfaction in economic status was significantly influenced by their caregiving responsibilities at the 0.001 level.

Author Biography

สุภาวรรณ เปรมชื่น

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How to Cite

เปรมชื่น ส. (2017). Impact of Caring for Both Parents and Children On the Life Satisfaction of the Sandwich Generation. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 2(1), 99–113. retrieved from