A Two-parameter Weighted Inverse Lindley Distribution and Applications


  • Jirawat Kantalo
  • Jiraphan Suntornchost


Inverse Lindley distribution, Hazard function, Parameter estimation, Maximum Likelihood Estimators, Goodness of fit


A two-parameter weighted inverse Lindley (TWIL) distribution, of which the inverse Lindley (IL) distribution
is a particular case, has been introduced. It’s properties such as survival function, hazard function, moments
and other associated measures are obtained. Moreover, parameter estimations of the new distribution by the
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and the bias-corrected maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) are
also provided. Simulation results and applications to two data sets show that the new distribution outperforms
other extensions of the Lindley distribution.

Author Biographies

Jirawat Kantalo

Mathematics and Computer Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Jiraphan Suntornchost

Mathematics and Computer Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok


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How to Cite

Kantalo, J., & Suntornchost, J. (2018). A Two-parameter Weighted Inverse Lindley Distribution and Applications. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 2(2), 1–14. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asit-journal/article/view/165714