Variable Selection for Linear Regression Model with General Variance


  • Nuchjaree Lenghoe
  • Jiraphan Suntornchost


Variable selection, Bias-reduction, Adjusted R2


Lahiri and Suntornchost (2015) proposed adjustments to variable selection criteria for the Fay-Herriot
model by considering sampling errors. Their results were shown to improve traditional variable selection criteria.
In this study, we extend their method to construct variable selection criteria for linear regression models
with general variance assumption allowing for the possibility of correlated regression errors. Closed forms of
statistics for variable selection criteria are provided with numerical studies. Simulation results show that our
proposed variable selection criteria can reduce the approximation errors of the standard variable selection criterion.

Author Biographies

Nuchjaree Lenghoe

Mathematics and Computer Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Jiraphan Suntornchost

Mathematics and Computer Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok


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How to Cite

Lenghoe, N., & Suntornchost, J. (2018). Variable Selection for Linear Regression Model with General Variance. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 2(2), 15–24. retrieved from