Simple Technique For Forecasting With Small Dataset Based On Minimum Absolute Difference: Thai Gold Jewelry Price


  • Mathee Pongkitwitoon
  • Watcharin Klongdee


Forecasting, Minimum Absolute Difference, Small Dataset, Thai Gold Jewelry Price


This article focuses on a simple statistical method which is easy to compute and understand, low
computational cost for forecasting model fitting and suitable for a small dataset. The minimum
absolute difference is used to deal with the data preprocessing stage for the monthly Thai gold jewelry
price prediction by using three-period simple moving average forecasting model. The results indicate
that the approach method is better than the traditional method in addition to having a lower
computational cost.

Author Biographies

Mathee Pongkitwitoon

Deprtment of Statistics, Faculty of Science Khon Kaen University

Watcharin Klongdee

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

Pongkitwitoon, M., & Klongdee, W. (2018). Simple Technique For Forecasting With Small Dataset Based On Minimum Absolute Difference: Thai Gold Jewelry Price. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 2(2), 36–40. retrieved from