The Impact of Hotel Capabilities on Innovations


  • Kwanchanok Chumnumporn
  • Chawalit Jeenanunta
  • Akkaranan Pongathornwiwat


Hotel capabilities,, Internal capability, External capability, Service innovation, Organizational innovation


This article considers the investigation of hotel capabilities, both internal and external, which effect on innovations in Thai hotel industry. The data collection surveyed in Bangkok and popular destinations in Thailand. A 123 valid questionnaires have applied for data analysis. The multiple regression was conducted to examine the empirical model. Finding exposed a positive relationship between hotel capabilities and innovations. Nevertheless, management capability and information and knowledge capability have a negative effect on service innovation. The current study has only examined hotel capabilities in 4 dimensions. Internal capability consists of human capability and management capability. External capability consists of external collaboration capability and information and knowledge capability. More broadly, research is also needed to determine other capabilities which have a positive impact on hotel innovations. The higher level of hotel capabilities aims to improve service innovation and organizational innovation. The previous studies found that innovation helps to generate a sustainable competitive advantage. Hence, hotels should play attention on its capabilities improvement. This study is asserted the previous studies on the impact of internal and external capability on innovation, which is limited in service industry.

Author Biographies

Kwanchanok Chumnumporn

School of Management Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University

Chawalit Jeenanunta

 School of Management Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University

Akkaranan Pongathornwiwat

School of Management Technology, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University


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How to Cite

Chumnumporn, K., Jeenanunta, C., & Pongathornwiwat, A. (2018). The Impact of Hotel Capabilities on Innovations. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 2(2), 50–60. Retrieved from