Extreme Value Model for Monthly Rainfall in the Upper Ping River Basin of Chiang Mai Province


  • Manad Khamkong


Generalize Pareto Distribution, Extreme Values, Return Level, Monthly Rainfall, Upper Ping River Basin


The purposes of this study are to find the optimal model of extreme monthly rainfall data in the upper Ping basin of Chiang Mai province by using the Generalize Pareto (GP) distribution and to estimate return level for various return periods. This study used monthly rainfall data from January 2006 to December 2019 of 6 rain gauging stations:  Wiang Haeng, Mae Taeng, San Sai, Doi Saket, Muang, and Mae Wang.  The result of this study found that the GP distribution with stationary is fitted for Wiang Haeng, San Sai, Doi Saket, Muang, and Mae Wang stations. For Mae Taeng station, the GP distribution with non-stationary when the scale parameter changed depending on the exponential trend was the most appropriate.  Mae Wang station had a higher return level than other stations for each return period in monthly rainfall data. Therefore, Mae Wang station should give priority to flood prevention as it has higher return level.


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How to Cite

Khamkong, M. (2020). Extreme Value Model for Monthly Rainfall in the Upper Ping River Basin of Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 5(2), 32–44. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/asit-journal/article/view/241876