Cognitive Prediction regarding Influence from Dynamics of Technology in Digital Era effected in Business and Financial Statements of Accounting Firms Officer using Decision Tree Technique


  • Tongjai Yampaka Department of Computer Science Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok
  • Kunthira Juntana Department of Accounting Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok


machine learning in accounting, data mining in accounting, accounting information system, dynamics of technology in digital era


This research aims to study factors affecting cognition on the influence of digital technology dynamics that affect the business and preparation of financial reports the employee in quality accounting firms. The participants used in this study consist of 200 accountants and administrators in the accounting office. The questionnaire was used as a tool for the study of accounting staff and executives in the accounting office. Decision tree techniques were used to analyze and build the prediction models. The results showed that the factors influencing cognition were identified as being influenced by the dynamics of digital technology. The prediction models show average accuracy was 92.68%. In addition, this study potentially concludes the weaknesses, strengths, and strategies for creating quality accounting firms.


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How to Cite

Yampaka, T., & Juntana , K. . (2022). Cognitive Prediction regarding Influence from Dynamics of Technology in Digital Era effected in Business and Financial Statements of Accounting Firms Officer using Decision Tree Technique. Journal of Applied Statistics and Information Technology, 7(2), 1–25. retrieved from