Area-Wide Multicriteria Traffic Environmental Impacts Evaluation: Khon Kaen City Case Study
Area-wide traffic environmental impacts, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)Abstract
Various urban areas in global cities have experienced rapid growth of urbanization, economy and motorization. One of the most important adverse effects of such growth is traffic environmental impacts (eg air pollution, noise levels, climate change). The estimation and prediction of traffic environmental impacts were difficult and complicated by several of environmental impact factors, differences in the relative importance of these criteria in different land-use types and the differences in awareness of environmental impacts in individual or group judgments. In this research, mathematical modelling method (MMM) was applied to quantify traffic environmental impacts and Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach were adopted to estimate the Composite Area-wide Traffic Environmental Impact Evaluation (CATEII) indices. Such composite indices can be utilized to integrate multiple criteria traffic environmental impacts scores. This composite indices (CATEII) is capable of identifying and prioritizing the area-wide traffic environmental problem locations. When the likely causations of the problems can be specified, the appropriate treatments can be recommended accordingly.
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