An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Decision on Watching Social Media Program
Social Media, Online media programs, Modern lifestyleAbstract
One of the main purposes of using social media is entertainment. Access to social media is convenient and quick, as is creating new content, spreading it via social media, and interacting with the programs, which includes the flexibility to be able to move forward or backward according to interest. Therefore, people have begun to accept watching online programs rather than traditional home television. While traditional media operators not only lose advertising revenue as it spreads across online media, they also lose revenue as a result of increased viewing channels while the number of viewers remains constant. As a consequence, the competition in the industry social media program is extremely competitive. Traditional media operators must adapt their strategies to changing consumer needs and behaviors while also incurring higher operating expenses. The objective of this research was to determine the analysis of factors influencing the decision to watch programs via online media by examining reference group factors, lifestyle and value factors, and marketing mix factors such as product factors, presentation channel factors, and marketing promotion factors, as well as demographic characteristics such as sex, age, marital status, and occupation, by surveying through 411 sets of questionnaires as a data collecting instrument. The statistics used in the data analysis were descriptive statistics, namely mean, percentage, and standard deviation, whereas inferential statistics were factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that factors influencing the decision to watch programs via online media are channel factors, product factors, modern lifestyle factors, values, and reference groups.
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