Procept of Students in Problem-Solving Classroom
Procept, Problem-solving classroom, Lesson study and Open approachAbstract
This research aimed to analyze students’ procept in problem solving classroom by using qualitative research methods that emphasized analytic description and protocol analysis. The target group was 11 students of grade 5 in the first semester of the academic year 2020 in Banbungniambungkrinoonthahin School. The research instruments consisted of lesson plans of decimal multiplication, Messenger application, worksheet, and field notes. The result found that 3 components of the procept in the problem-solving classroom: 1) Symbols the students are represented by a variety of methods of addition and multiplication. 2) Process of computational concepts in solving problems was presented in various procedure which had specific steps to achieve multiplication process; and 3) Concept of multiplication are represented by various methods of solving symbolic problems. By thinking in a step-by-step manner, it produces important ideas from different methods of solving problems and forming a shared concept to be used to solve problems in new situations or create new knowledge.
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